Drama In The Name Of God: A Holy Betrayal (2023)

The buzz surrounding In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal is taking the world by storm. This documentary series has been causing quite the controversy since it reveals a cult in South Korea that many didn’t know existed.

Postponed due to a lawsuit filed by one of the characters mentioned in the documentary, In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal has been the talk of the town. Don’t miss out on the shocking revelations in this docuseries!

Synopsis of In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal

Drama In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal exposes four heretical sects in South Korea, namely Jeong Myeong Seok (JMS), Five Oceans, Baby Garden, and Manmin Central Church. Each episode focuses on a particular sect and dives deep into their beliefs and practices.

Furthermore, the docuseries features interviews with victims and former members of these sects. It also exposes the atrocities committed by the sect leaders, including sexual harassment, murder, violence, and extortion.

If you’re intrigued by the controversial nature of this documentary, it’s available for streaming on Netflix.


Drama In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal premiered on March 3, 2023. Produced by Netflix and MBC, the eight-episode docuseries provides a detailed account of the heretical sects in South Korea.

The first three episodes focus on JMS, while the fourth episode tells the gruesome tale of the Lima Samudra sect, where 32 people were brutally murdered. The fifth and sixth episodes discuss the Baby Garden sect, and the last two episodes focus on the Manmin Central Church.

The great news is that all eight episodes are available on both Netflix and MBC, so you don’t have to wait long to watch the entire series.

Based on a True Story

In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal has earned its controversial reputation because it exposes heretical sects based on true stories. The documentary series presents firsthand accounts from victims and former members of these cults.

It doesn’t shy away from showcasing the heinous acts committed by the cult leaders, which include physical and sexual abuse. If you’re brave enough to face the truth, then this docuseries is a must-watch.

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